Terbitan Terkini
Edutrained Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (p-ISSN 2581-0375, e-ISSN 2721-0154 , DOI Prefix: 10.37730 ) is a six-month periodical journal published by Balai Diklat Keagamaan Semarang (Religious Training Center of Semarang), under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Republic of Indonesia. The journal is aimed to disseminate the results of research/study on approaches, models, strategies, methods, media, learning innovations and development of teaching materials that improving the quality of training for educational and religious technical personnel.
Edutrained was first published in printed form in 2017. It is published frequently twice a year, in July and December. In 2020 this journal is published twice a year with Open Journal System (OJS) based.
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