Submission Preparation Checklist

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). The author signs the statement for originality and copyright transfer agreement which is found in About the Journal (sub menu Originality Statement) and submit together with the article
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format. Conform to standard of Edutrained journal template, and the text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • Use of a tool such as the Mendeley and the like applications for direct referrals or to manage bibliography in APA Style format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

Author Guidelines

  1. Papers submitted in this journal are research results or the results of thoughts related to human resource development issues within the scope of education, religion, administration and More details can be seen on the menu focus & scope.
  2. Make sure the paper is arranged in accordance with the Edutrained journal The structure and systematic of the paper as well as the percentage of the number of pages, as follows:
  3. Title, author's name, affiliation/agency, email address, and
  1. Abstracts are made in two languages (English and Indonesian), which contain problems, objectives, research/study methods, results, discussion, and conclusions and keywords 3-5 words. The abstract is written approximately 100-150 words and typed using font size 10 in single
  2. Introduction, covering background, problem formulation, research objectives, theoretical study (literature / concept) at most 2-3 pages (15%).
  3. Literature Review, Theoretical studies include the theories underlying the research along with relevant previous research.
  4. Research Methods, 1. Research methods;2. Population and sample (research targets);3. Data collection techniques and instrument development;4. Data analysis techniques. For research that uses tools and materials, it is necessary to write down the specifications for the tools and materials. Tool specifications describe the sophistication of the tools used, while material specifications describe the types of materials used.For qualitative research such as classroom action research, ethnography, phenomenology, case studies, etc., it is necessary to add:1. The presence of researchers,2. Research subjects,3. Informants who helped along with ways to dig up research data,4. Location and duration of research as well5. Description of checking the validity of research results.
  5. Results and Findings, Research Results, Data analysis processes such as statistical calculations and hypothesis testing processes do not need to be presented. Only analysis results and hypothesis testing results need to be reported.Tables and graphs can be used to clarify the verbal presentation of research results. Tables and graphs should be commented on or discussed.For qualitative research, the results section contains detailed sections in the form of sub-topics that are directly related to the research focus and categories.Findings in the form of reality in the field are integrated/linked with the results of previous research or with existing theories. For this purpose, there must be a reference. In generating new theories, old theories can be confirmed or rejected, some may need to modify theories from old theories. Discussion, The discussion in the article aims to: (1) answer the problem formulation and research questions; (2) show how the findings were obtained; (3) interpret/interpret the findings; (4) linking research findings with established knowledge structures; and (5) generating new theories or modifying existing theories.In answering the problem formulation and research questions, the research results must be concluded explicitly. Interpretation of the findings is carried out using logic and existing theories.
  6. Closing, Conclusion, A summary of the description of the results and discussion, referring to the research objectives. Based on these two things, new main points of thought were developed which constitute the essence of the research findings. Suggestion, Suggestions are prepared based on the research findings that have been discussed. Suggestions may refer to practical action, development of new theory, and/or further research.
  7. Reference: The literature listed in the References section includes a minimum of 15 Please use Reference Manager Applications like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. Referral sources should provide 70% of journal articles, proceedings, or research results from the last five years. Writing techniques bibliography, using the APA Style. It is strongly recommended to include the URL and DOI addresses in the bibliography.
  8. Writing in Arabic texts are using Arabic type Transparent or Traditional Arabic size 16. Arabic- Latin transliteration is guided by the Library of Congress transliteration guidelines.
  9. Writing quotations/citations using the bodynote format with the American Psychological Association (APA) Style (Sixth Edition) system for example: (Amin, 2017: 14). and it is strongly recommended to use Reference-linking in citation
  10. All incoming papers will be checked using a similarity checker and the maximum allowable limit is 30 percent. It is strongly recommended that the writer performs plagiarism checking independently before being submitted to the OJS Journal
  11. Authors must deposit the paper to the editorial team no later than the last week of April for the January-June period, and no later than the last week of October for the July-December.
  12. Authors must sign the Letter of Originality Statement and Copyright Agreement and submit it together with the paper
  13. Each paper will go through a peer-review process by at least two reviewers/partners. Reviewers then make decisions and recommendations with several possibilities: rejected, major revisions, minor revisions, or accepted. The publication or rejection of the paper is a final decision made by the Edutrained Editor team and authors will be notified in written document or
  14. The process of submitting the paper follows the following steps:
    1. New authors must register an account through the Register menu by selecting the "Author" The author can log in using the registered username and password if already have an account.
    2. The author must first digitize the Letter of Originality Statement and Copyright Agreement that has been signed before.
    3. Click menu “Make a New Submission”

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party