Penggunaan Think-Pair-Share untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Pemahaman Membaca Siswa dalam Reading Comprehension
This study aims to improve the students’ activeness and comprehension in reading comprehension. The subjects are students of class XI MIPA-1 MAN 2 Rembang taught by Think-Pair-Share strategy. The expected output is the increase of students’ activeness and comprehension, so the instrument used is observation sheet to find out the students’ activeness, and a test to determine their comprehension. The method is CAR consisting of four stages (planning, implementation, observation, and reflection). This research was conducted in two cycles. The results showed that Think-Pair-Share strategy could increase the students’ activeness and comprehension. The data analysis of activeness showed an increase from pre-cycle of 39.39% (low), Cycle I 79.29% (fair), to Cycle II 89.90% (high). Furthermore, the result of comprehension showed an increase from pre-cycle 45.45% (low), Cycle I 66.67% (fair), to Cycle II 87.88% (high). Thus, this strategy is considered successful because the final result exceeds the 75% success criteria.