Jurnal Edutrained : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pelatihan https://jurnal.bdksemarang.net/Ed <p>Journal Edutrained is a scientific journal published by the Semarang Religious Education and Training Center as a medium for disseminating and exchanging ideas about the world of education and training. This journal contains articles from the results of research and development of thoughts from researchers and academics. The theme of the article relates to disseminating problems and issues in human resource development. Published journal article of Jurnal Edutrained covers areas, including; education, religion, administration and management.</p> <p>Edutrained was first published in printed form in 2017. It is published frequently&nbsp;twice a year, in July and December. In 2020 this journal is published&nbsp;twice a year&nbsp;with Open Journal System (OJS) based.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Balai Diklat Keagamaan Semarang en-US Jurnal Edutrained : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pelatihan 2581-0375 Identifying the Theme of Religious Moderation in Catholic Religious Education within the Merdeka Curriculum https://jurnal.bdksemarang.net/Ed/article/view/311 <p>This article aims to describe the identification of the theme of religious moderation in Catholic Religious and Moral Education in the Merdeka Curriculum. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive method and literature study as data collection technique. The results of the study show that at the primary and secondary education levels (Elementary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School), which are divided into six phases, the theme of religious moderation is contained in the elements of learning outcomes in Catholic Religious and Moral Education. In phase A to phase C (Elementary School), the theme of religious moderation is contained in the content of living in harmony and mutual cooperation; appreciate the community traditions; and recognize themselves as citizens of the world. In phase D (Junior High School), the theme of religious moderation is contained in the content of faith by building brotherhood with all people based on the attitude of the Catholic Church towards other religions and beliefs. Finally, in phase E to phase F (Senior High School), the theme of religious moderation is contained in the content of respecting diversity in society as a gift from god, building dialogue and cooperation between people of religions and beliefs and playing a role in the development of the Indonesian nation.</p> Joshua Jolly Sucanta Cakranegara ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 8 1 1 10 10.37730/edutrained.v8i1.311 Keterampilan Guru dalam Mengelola Kelas Rendah dalam Pembelajaran Tematik di SDN 19 Aceh Barat https://jurnal.bdksemarang.net/Ed/article/view/166 <p><em>Managing classes is an activity carried out by teachers aimed at creating classroom conditions that allow the optimal learning process to take place. For this reason, teachers as the front guard in implementing learning are required to master a number of skills in managing classes. The purpose of this study is to assess and analyze the skills of teachers in managing low grades on thematic learning. This study uses a qualitative approach with an observation method. Data collection techniques are carried out by tracing various sources, in the form of government documents, mass media, and relevant research results and supported by the results of interviews conducted with several low-grade teachers who were then analyzed using policy research. The results of this study indicate that the skills of teachers in managing low grades consist of 1) skills related to the creation and development of optimal learning conditions, which include aspects of responsiveness, dividing attention, and concentration; 2) skills related to the development of optimal learning conditions, related to the obstacles that occur during the learning process caused by student behavior. regarding this, the teacher can use the following strategies as an action to improve student behavior, which consists of behavior modification; and a Group problem-solving approach.&nbsp; Thus, the learning process can run effectively and efficiently, so that the competencies expected to be mastered by learners and learning objectives can be achieved.</em></p> Eva Yuliana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 8 1 11 21 10.37730/edutrained.v8i1.166 Strategi Efektif bagi Widyaiswara: Analisis Hambatan dan Solusi untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Publikasi Ilmiah Widyaiswara https://jurnal.bdksemarang.net/Ed/article/view/296 <p><em>This research aims to analyze the obstacles and solutions faced by educators (widyaiswara) in improving the productivity of scientific publications. The research method <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">employed</span> is analytical descriptive, utilizing online questionnaires for data collection. The primary respondents are 40 educators participating in scientific publication pilot training. Data analysis involves descriptive statistics, multinomial logistic regression, and Fisher exact test. The research findings indicate that 50% of educators mention time constraints, 17.5% cite laziness, and 15% identify a lack of references as obstacles. The proposed solutions to overcome these obstacles involve the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Regarding the use of references in scholarly literature, educators are deemed proficient in selecting reference sources. However, there is room for improvement in the optimal utilization of scientific reference tools, with 66% of educators not yet utilizing reference management applications in their scientific publications. This research provides insights into challenges and recommended solutions for enhancing the productivity of scientific publications for educators. The promotion of AI utilization, modern applications, and tools for academic reference searches needs continuous advocacy. Participation in training, joining Communities of Practice (CoP), and self-directed learning in scientific writing can serve as solutions for educators to boost motivation and improve the quality of their research and resulting publications.</em></p> Sutrisno Heru Sukoco Naily Kamaliah Alpha Fadila Juliana Rahman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 8 1 22 37 10.37730/edutrained.v8i1.296 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Berbasis Blog pada Materi Ash-Shihhah bagi Siswa Kelas XI MAN 1 Gunungkidul Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024 https://jurnal.bdksemarang.net/Ed/article/view/281 <p><strong>ملخص</strong></p> <p>تم إجراء هذا البحث بهدف معرفة تطوير وجدوى وسائل التعلم الرقمية القائمة على المدونات لتعلم اللغة العربية في مادة الشِّهَاه لصف الحادي عشر في المدرسة الثانوية الإسلامية الحكومية 1 غونونغكيدول. نوع هذا البحث هو البحث والتطوير باستخدام نموذج تطوير ADDIE وهو تحليل (<em>analysis</em>)، تصميم (<em>design</em>)، تطوير (<em>development</em>)، تنفيذ (<em>implementation</em>)، تقييم (<em>evaluation</em>). تقنيات جمع البيانات لتحقيق صحة وجدوى الوسائط تشمل استبيانات (angket) لتقييم الوسائط واختبارات لتقييم فعالية الوسائط. أظهرت نتائج البحث أن نسبة التصديق في المرحلة الأولى بلغت 80% للمحتوى مع تصنيف "مناسب" و82% للوسائط مع تصنيف "مناسب". أما في المرحلة الثانية، بلغت نسبة التصديق للمحتوى 95% مع تصنيف "جداً مناسب" وللوسائط 98% مع تصنيف "جداً مناسب". أما في التجربة على نطاق صغير، فقد أظهرت النتائج نسبة نجاح بلغت 93.33% للمرحلة الصغيرة، 95.34% للمرحلة المتوسطة، و95% للمرحلة الكبيرة. وفي مرحلة التقييم، بلغت نسبة رضا الطلاب على استخدام وسيلة التعلم الرقمية عبر المدونات 81% وصنفوها كـ "راض جدًا"، 12% وصنفوها كـ "راض"، 1% وصنفوها كـ "راض بشكل مقبول"، و0% وصنفوها كـ "غير راض". وبالتالي، يمكن استخدام وسيلة التعلم الرقمية للغة العربية القائمة على المدونات في مادة الشِّهَاه لفصل الحادي عشر في المدرسة الثانوية الإسلامية الحكومية 1 غونونغكيدول.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Isnu Hidayat ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 8 1 38 49 10.37730/edutrained.v8i1.281 Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Tajribi : Mengintegrasikan Fenomena Perilaku Keagamaan ke Dalam Pendidikan https://jurnal.bdksemarang.net/Ed/article/view/225 <p><em>A learning model is a learning concept that includes approaches, strategies, methods, techniques and tactics of learning. In this research, a tajribi learning model is developed, which means practice, application or habituation. The purpose of this research is to be a reference for teachers or educational actors in processing effective and efficient learning concepts as a whole, and not only focusing on learning methods and strategies. The method used is a literature review, by looking for previous research, then reviewing the relevant research for the development of the tajiribi learning model. efforts to integrate the phenomenon of religious behaviour into learning is a pattern worth using, which will make students more open-minded. This is the basis for the development of the Tajiribi learning model that students are accustomed to experimenting with the phenomenon of religious practices and behaviour that occurs. Hopefully, this research can be further developed with field studies to test the effectiveness of this model in schools.</em></p> Ridwan M Soleh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 8 1 50 60 10.37730/edutrained.v8i1.225 Model Make-A-Match Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Temanggung untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika https://jurnal.bdksemarang.net/Ed/article/view/265 <p><em>The lack of innovation in learning impacts the low learning outcomes for class I Mathematics at MI Al-Ma'arif Kupen, Temanggung Regency. The research aims to reveal the implementation of the make-a-match model through picture cards based on local Temanggung wisdom in improving Mathematics learning outcomes. This research method is collaborative Class Action Research with the Kemmis &amp; Taggart type consisting of 2 stages of the PTK cycle. Data collection techniques are observation, in-depth interviews, tests, document studies, and source triangulation, namely techniques used to increase the validity and reliability of research findings by comparing and verifying data obtained from various sources. The research subjects were 30 class I students at MI Al-Ma'arif Kupen, Temanggung Regency. The research results show that students' mathematics learning outcomes in the cognitive aspect using the make-a-match learning model through picture cards based on local wisdom in Temanggung increased according to the pretest and posttest results, which improved quite well. Before the action, classical learning results were only 13.3% with an average class score of only 40.3 points; in cycle I, there was an increase of 75.3 with classical learning completeness of 80%; and in cycle II, there was an increase in classical learning completeness in numbers. 96.6%, with an average score of 96. Further research needs to be carried out to examine in more depth the make-a-match model in Mathematics subjects according to current developments.</em></p> Hamidulloh Ibda Erlina Novita Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 8 1 61 73 10.37730/edutrained.v8i1.265